Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A great big smile marks the satisfactory culmination of a successful project

Today I received the final score from Steven Thornely. He has been great and I think myself lucky to have found someone so music savvi to help out on the project =). I just sent him a few emails of gibberish and he managed to hammer and nail my demands into something quite impressive.

But I'm not going to share it with you =p. instead head over to Steven's SoundCloud and have a listen to some of his pieces =). Hehe Aint I a stinker.

Here are some shots from the film though =).

And the title page for an electronic press kit (some compulsory bit of bureaucracy)

Most of the film is complete and I'm looking forward to seeing it online and the response from the audience, fingers crossed for smiles and fist pumps.


Monday, October 3, 2011

I forsee sleepless nights and prescribe plenty of coffee

And so dawns the last 4 weeks of my UNI life. But no time to get sentimental, there is actually a pile of work that needs doing, before that monumental pissup at the end.

main thing on my agenda is my final semester minecraft film. Which is chugging along.

Here are some incomplete screen shots for the heck of it =).

I've also been apart of this years AlbinoBlackSheep TournamentOfFlashArtists, and somehow managed to get into the finals.

This is my round 2 submission

Despite the poor quality, due to lack of time, people still seem to enjoy it. Which is good. Its the main reason I create stuff =).

My Youtube channel is slowly chucking along to a 100,000 upload views. Which might not seem like much considering the YT giants out there. But its a small milestone which I will celebrate with a big hearty beer =).

I've decided I need to learn how to draw, I'd love to be able to master the pencil, it will just increase the general quality of EVERYTHING I do =)

Anyhow RAWR =)